Tuesday, May 15, 2007

First Post

Hello dear readers,

Welcome to my blog. I suppose it needs an introduction--a rasion d'être--so if you feel the same way, read on. I decided to start a blog as a means of expressing my thoughts, mostly for my own sanity, but also for the benefit of friends and family in the US who want to keep up with my Life on the Other Side of the World, the P.R. of C. It was hard to pick a "theme" for the blog though. I know having a theme, like "Nanjing History Blog" or "Comments on the Chinese Press", would make the blog a more interesting read for people who want consistency and go to different blogs for their individual themes. However, not wanting to be confined by a) subjects I don't know enough about (AKA all of them) or b) the same topic all the time, I have decided the theme of this blog can only, initially, be whatever inspires me to write. This is getting back to the blog as an outlet. If people do find that interesting after all, great. And if my thoughts end up drifting in a particular thematic direction, I'd be fine with that too--maybe it will be a way for me to learn a decent amount about some subject, like art or history.

Enjoy! I know I will.

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